Art Moves Africa Grants


Art Moves Africa, is an international non-profit organisation aimed at developing the arts and culture sector in Africa. They have recently relaunched their mobility grants program, an initiative to facilitate artistic exchanges within Africa.

The AMA was founded on the principle that they want to grow the channels for cultural exchange in Africa, and encourage shared participation and growth between artists across the continent.

During May 2013 owing to funding cuts to the culture sector AMA was obliged to end the grant program, the re-launch of the AMA grant program was made possible thanks to a grant from the Norwegian Ministry of foreign affairs and Stichting Doen.

Artists in the performing and visual arts, music, cinema, literature and cultural advocacy sectors are welcome to apply for a grant to travel within and between various African regions at no cost to themselves if they are selected.

The board of directors who will be choosing who the grants are allocated to are a diverse cosmopolitan group, including Luc Mayitoukou, a cultural manager from the Congo, Judy Ogana manager of Kenya’s Go Down Art Center, Tarek Abou El Fetouh director of Egypt’s Young Arab Theatre, Farai Mpfunya director of Zimbabwe’s cultural fund trust and Mariam Mayoumbila a cultural entrepreneur from Chad.

More information on the application process can be found [here]