Dynamic vs Condenser Mics: A Basic Introduction

When it comes to microphones, it is imperative that you select the right microphone for the job. Using the wrong mic is like using a hammer to drive home a screw. Sure, you’ll get the job done, but it won’t be done well. Today, we’ll take a brief look at the differences between dynamic and condenser microphones.

Like with most tools, there is no one size fits all microphone you can use. Sure, there are a lot of versatile options that can work for a range of different applications, but if you want professional quality audio, then you need the right mic for the job.

The first thing you need to do when selecting a microphone is to establish what you want to use the mic for. This isn’t just a matter of deciding if you need a live performance mic or a studio mic. You should first determine whether you need an instrument mic, a drum mic, or a vocal mic. Now that you’ve done that let’s take a more in-depth look at condenser mics and dynamic microphones.

Image result for dynamic vs condenser mics

Image source: ledgernote.com

Condenser Microphones

Condenser microphones are best used to capture vocals and high frequencies. They are also the preferred type of microphone for most studio applications.

Also known as capacitor microphones, condenser mics are mainly used in studios because of their detail and accuracy. But how is this achieved? Condenser mics are constructed with a lightweight diaphragm which is suspended by a fixed plate. Sound waves cause pressure against the diaphragm, which causes it to move.

Because of the thin diaphragm and increased sensitivity, condenser mics are often used to pick up delicate sounds. They also need a power source. While this usually comes in the form of phantom power, it is not uncommon to use a 9v battery.

While condenser mics are great for capturing acoustic guitars, drum overheads, or vocals, they don’t often work well for louder sounds such as guitar or bass amplifiers. For purposes like these, dynamic microphones can be a better option.

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Dynamic Microphones

Dynamic microphones are best used for booming sounds or louder environments . Because of their ability to handle loud sounds and their decreased sensitivity, they are the preferred microphone for live use.

Unlike condensers microphones, a dynamic mic uses a wire coil to amplify signal picked up by the diaphragm. As a result, the output of a dynamic mic is lower than a condenser.

Another reason why dynamic microphones are great for live sound is that they are incredibly tough. While it’s not ideal to drop a microphone, if you drop your dynamic mic, you are far less likely to damage the mic than if you were to drop a condenser mic. Dynamic mics also don’t need batteries or phantom power, and usually, cost far less than condenser mics. A dynamic mic requires little to no maintenance, and if you practice a reasonable level of care, it will maintain its performance for a lifetime.

If you want to know more about what microphone is ideal for you, drop us a line and one of our studio specialists will get in touch.

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