From a Past Warrior

Brian Woodland Weekend Warriors was an absolute blast! After the initial meeting of all the participants at a Bothner’s sponsored cocktail party, we were divided into ‘bands’ with total strangers. Thereafter, weekly practices at the Bothners Plumstead store, with all gear provided,(really, everything down to the last guitar string!), and a pro-‘muso’ to coach us, we quickly brought the band together musically.

Before I could say “Weekend Warrior”, it was showtime, and we were ‘live- on stage’ at Dockside, Cape Town. Entrance was free for the public/friends/family who enjoyed a rollicking evening of different bands and rusty musicians. (There were more bra’s thrown onto the stage than I’ve ever seen before at a gig – even if some were the size of a parachute!).

After our band’s set, we enjoyed watching the other bands having huge fun. There was a cross section of musical brilliance and horrendous mistakes, but all was in the fun and spirit of the Warriors programme. Weaker musicians were lifted by those more experienced, and, in true ‘Warrior’ spirit, there was a complete absence of egos.

I have come away from the program with solid new friends (like ‘Wylde’ Oscar) who are musicians around town, and a renewed passion to get out there and play again. I also have my first DVD featuring me on stage. Wow!

Cheers to the guys at Paul Bothner Music for running this great and innovative programme. I’ll certainly do it again….

Brian Woodland

If you would like to experiance Weekend Warriors, click {here} to either sign up straight away, or to get additional information.