Headphones for Keyboards
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If you have invested in a form of Keyboard or Synthesizer. Whether it be a Digital Piano, Workstation, controller or regular keyboard. You will want to make sure that the sound you get out of your instrument is as good as possible.

To achieve this, a keyboard player will want to invest a set of keyboard headphones. What make these headphones different is their dynamic frequency range. This is due to the fact that piano’s, by nature, have a wide spectrum of notes and frequencies. Therefore the headphones will need to be able to deliver all the nuances and details of your sound.

Here are some things to consider when buying headphones for your keyboard or synth:

Output Level: If you are using your keyboard or piano for home and practice use, then the output capability of your headphones don’t need to be that high. If on the other hand, you need headphones to hear your keys in a band or gig situation, then you’ll need headphones with a higher output.

Open or Closed Headphones: For keys and piano, open or semi-open headphones are best used. As they allow for ambient noise to come in. Which allows for a more organic and natural sound.

Comfort: Lastly, keyboard headphones need to be comfortable. Due to the fact that they’ll most likely be used for long periods of time such as practicing. Also, the lighter headphones tend to be more comfortable.

The Roland RH-A7 headphones are the best suited for keyboard and piano. Because, they tick all the boxes in terms of dynamic frequency, detailed sound, more than enough output and volume and are exceptionally comfortable