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The speakers are an essential element to any live rig. After all, this is what is producing the sound for your audience to hear. From this we can see that speakers can be a make or break part of your performance. It doesn’t matter how good your band is, if the PA speakers are terrible, the crowd won’t enjoy it. However, investing in good quality PA speakers can enhance your overall production.

Before buying speakers, you’ll want to consider the types of productions/gigs they’ll be used for. A small restaurant with live music won’t require the same size speakers to that of a large hall. However, rather go too big as the sound can always be turned down. Whereas pushing a small speaker to its limit can not only be damaging to the speaker itself but to the audience too.

We stock the best PA speakers to suit any live rig. From the beginner rig all the way up to the professional venue, we’ve got your speakers and PA needs sorted.