Studio Monitors
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Studio monitors, much like studio headphones, are used as an essential output device to listen to recordings in such a way that provides the most detailed and true reflection of the output.

Whilst the main function of studio monitors remains the same, each model has been specifically designed to deliver a particular thing. For example some studio monitors have been made and optimised for lower Frequencies whereas others have been made for higher frequencies.

Your needs will determine the best studio monitors for you. And, with that in mind there are some important factors to keep in mind before going out and getting a pair of studio monitors

The first thing you will want to consider is the size and the way in which the cabinet of the speakers have been configured . For example, larger woofer setups will deliver clearer low end sounds

A pair of studio monitors is often all that is required for a basic setup. However to further increase the frequency range, one can extend their setup by adding monitors designed specifically to deliver mid-range sound frequencies. As well as extra monitors for low end and bass frequencies such as sub woofers.

The second and last thing you will want to consider before purchasing studio monitors is powered vs passive. The easiest way to distinguish between powered and passive monitors is that the powered monitors have built-in amplifiers. Whereas the passive counterparts require an amp to power them.